
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習



Dogs know if you’re trustworthy

Read the article to find out why dogs are good judges of character.

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It’s often said that dogs are a man’s best friend, but did you know that dogs may be able to tell if you’re telling the truth?

Everyone knows that when a dog’s owner points at something, the dog will go try to find what they’re pointing to. But recent studies have shown dogs can also figure out if you’re trying to trick them.

In a recent study published in “Animal Cognition Journal”, a group at Kyoto University led by Akiko Takaoka studied 34 dogs to see if they can understand if a person is telling the truth.

In the first round of the study, trainers pointed to a container with food hidden in it for the dogs to look in. In the second round, trainers pointed to containers with no food in them.

The researchers found that by the third round, when a trainer pointed to a container with food, the dogs no longer believed them.

Takaoka says this is proof dogs use their experience to judge if people are trustworthy.

In a final round of experiments, once trainers showed the dogs there were treats in the containers, the dogs began following their directions again.

Takaoka says, “Dogs have more sophisticated social intelligence than we thought. This social intelligence evolved selectively in their long life history with humans.”
John Bradshaw of the University of Bristol in the UK was not surprised by the results. He says, “Dogs whose owners are inconsistent to them often have behavioral disorders.” Bradshaw says dogs are fascinated by new things. He says, “Dogs are almost information junkies” and they enjoy finding patterns.

Takaoka says she wants to try the same experiment again with wolves. She believes wolves won’t be so quick to judge people. She says dogs can judge a persons’ character so easily because they have lived with people for so long.

It’s often said that dogs are a man’s best friend, but did you know that dogs may be able to tell if you’re lying?

Everyone knows that when a dog’s owner points at something, the dog will go try to find what they’re pointing to. But recent studies have shown dogs may also know if you’re lying.

A recent study in “Animal Cognition Journal” by a group at Kyoto University studied 34 dogs to see if they can understand if a person is lying.

In the first round of the study, trainers pointed to a container with food hidden in it for the dogs to look in. In the second round, trainers pointed to containers with no food in them.

The researchers found that by the third round, when a trainer pointed to a container with food, the dogs didn’t believe them.

Akiko Takaoka, of Kyoto University, says this means dogs use their experience to know if people should be trusted.

In a final round of experiments, once trainers showed the dogs there was food in the containers, the dogs began following their directions again.

Takaoka says dogs understand people better than we thought. She said this is because they evolved with people.

John Bradshaw of the University of Bristol in the UK was not surprised by the results. Bradshaw says dogs love learning and they enjoy finding patterns.

Takaoka says she wants to try the same experiment again with wolves. She believes wolves won’t be so quick to understand people. She says dogs can judge people so easily because they have lived with people for so long.


be able to tell ~が分かる、識別できる

「話す、伝える」といった意味の “tell” は、”can” や “be able to” を伴うことで「~が分かる、識別できる」といった意味になります。

例:I’m not able to tell the difference between an American and a Canadian accent.

point at / point to 指差す、指し示す

この2つのフレーズはほとんど区別されずに使用されることが多いのですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。 “point at” は目的の人やものを直接指す場合に使われ、“point to” はその目的のものが含まれる大まかな方向を指し示す場合に使われます。(”at” は地点を表す前置詞なのでピンポイントの範囲を表すのに対し、”to” はより広い範囲を表します。)

例:He pointed at the cake he wanted to buy.

例:He pointed to the elevator we had to take.”

使いこなす句動詞 “point out”

figure out ~であると分かる、理解する


例:After many hours of trying, I finally figured out the crossword puzzle.

no longer もはや~でない
trustworthy 信頼できる
sophisticated 洗練された、非常に高度な
evolve 発達する
inconsistent 一貫性のない
behavioral disorder 行動障害
information junkie 情報中毒者
