- at the same time
- simultaneously
「同時に」は英語で “at the same time” といいます。“at the same time”は、時を同じくして2つ以上の事象が起こる(行われる)ことや、継続時間内において物事が重なるさまを表すときに使われます。
“My new phone lets me use two apps at the same time!”
また “simultaneously” も、「同時に」という意味の副詞です。日常会話では “at the same time” の方が自然な表現になりますが、技術的または科学的な説明や記述をする際などに適した表現になります。
“Both of the operators have to turn their keys simultaneously to open the lock.”
< Extra Examples >
“I don’t know how some people can talk on the phone and do other things at the same time.”
“Shadowing is when you listen to English and repeat it at the same time.”
“Everyone on my team goes home at different times, even though we all arrive at the same time.”
“I like to save time in the morning by checking the news and eating breakfast at the same time in the morning.”
“This computer is able to run up to 16 different programs simultaneously.”
“In order to play the piano you have to learn to play with both hands simultaneously.”