
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Sabrina:Was that my phone or yours? I left mine on the table over there…
Florian:Actually, I think it was both! Weird timing, huh? Oh, I see. Someone just messaged in our family group chat.
Sabrina:Oh yeah? What is it?
Florian:Let’s see. Ah. Dad says, “Hey kids! Let’s get together for some skiing at least one more time before I kick the bucket. How about the first weekend of next month?”
Sabrina:Haha, classic Dad. He always acts like he’s a hundred years old, even though he only just turned 50.
Florian:Yeah… I guess he and mom are feeling a bit lonely now that you and I have both moved out.
Sabrina:You think so? I never got that impression. Anyway, I’m all for going on a ski trip!
Florian:True, a family vacation sounds like a great idea. And it’s been ages since I last hit the slopes.
Sabrina:Ooh, I hope they choose a really fancy place! It’s not every day you get to stay in a nice hotel for free…
Florian:For free? Sabrina, seriously. We’re adults now – we can’t just expect them to pick up the bill for us anymore.
Sabrina:Maybe you can’t. As for me, no matter how old I get, I’ll always be Daddy’s little girl!


“kick the bucket” 死ぬ


例)Sharonは最近出張から帰ってきた友人の Libbyと話しています。Libbyはひどく腹を立てている様子です。
Sharon:I can’t believe you broke up with Steve! What happened?
Libby:He forgot to feed my goldfish while I was away, and they all kicked the bucket! How could I ever trust a guy like that with our future children?
“classic (someone)” いかにも~らしい


Rod:We really need to cheer up Patrick. Stacey broke up with him last night, and he has no idea why and is totally depressed.
Jamie:Oh man, that’s classic Stacey. As soon as she gets bored of a guy, she just dumps him and finds a new one!
“hit the slopes” スキーに行く

“go skiing”の意味で使われる口語表現です。“slope”は“ski slope(スキー場、ゲレンデ)”の意味で使われています。

Keith:Do you think we should try to arrive early enough to go skiing right away when we get there?
Lena:I think we’ll probably be too tired from the long trip. Let’s just relax the first evening, and then hit the slopes in the morning.
“pick up the bill/check/tab” 費用を持つ

“pay for something(~の支払いをする)”という意味で使われる口語表現で、他の人の分も含めて費用を負担するような場面でよく使われます。

Croy:How about a couple of beers? It’s on me!
John:No, no – you’re such a good guy, you paid last time. Let me pick up the tab this time.
