
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Diego: Hey, Kana. Should I pick up paper cups and plates at the store?
Kana: I’m way ahead of you! I already bought them yesterday.
Diego: Oh, great! What about cutlery?
Kana: I think we still have some left over from last year’s picnic, but I’ll check later.
Diego: OK, so we’ve got food, plates, cups… What about drinks?
Kana: Don’t worry about drinks. I bought tons!
Diego: You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you? I guess I’ll just take a back seat and let you handle it then.
Kana: Hey, I’m not letting you off that easy!
Diego: Fine, fine… what do you need me to do?
Kana: Do you think you could get a picnic sheet? I thought we had one, but I can’t find it.
Diego: Sure. That should be easy to come by.
Kana: Great, then I think we’re ready!


“way ahead of (someone)” ~よりもずっと先を行っている


Emma: Well, first of all we have to get brochures for different places we could go to.
Cole: I’m way ahead of you. I picked up a bunch of them at a travel agency yesterday.
Emma: それじゃ、まずは行けそうなところのパンフレットを手に入れる必要があるわ。
Cole: 僕は君より先行ってるよ。昨日旅行代理店でたくさんもらってきたよ。
“take a back seat” でしゃばらないようにする


Becky: I’ve picked out this really good real estate agency and made an appointment for tomorrow.
Cora: Great, I think I’ll just take a back seat and let you handle everything.
Becky: すごくいい不動産屋見つけて、明日行けるように予約しといたわよ。
Cora: よかったわ、私はでしゃばらないで、お姉さんに全部任せたほうがよさそうね。
“let (someone) off easy” 罪や任務を免除する


Will: So, how is it, being back from maternity leave? Are you stressed?
Monique: It’s totally fine! I think everyone else is letting me off easy because I’ve got a baby at home.
Will: ねえ、産休から復帰してどんな感じ?疲れてない?
Monique: ぜんぜん大丈夫よ!うちに子どもがいるからって、みんな手加減してくれてるんだと思うわ。
“easy to come by” 簡単に手に入る


Felix: Wow, this thing is a classic!
Matt: Careful with that. It wasn’t easy to come by and it wasn’t cheap, either!
Felix: すごい、これは年代ものだね!
Matt: 気をつけろよ。簡単に手に入る代物じゃないし、安くもないんだからな。
