
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Doctor: What happened?
Gary: I was walking through the train station last week and fell down the stairs.
Doctor: Last week? And you’re only coming in now?
Gary: I didn’t want to make a fuss over a twisted ankle.
Doctor: From the swelling it looks like you might have broken your foot.
Gary: If only I hadn’t been looking at my phone! It’s so hard to kick the habit.
Doctor: You really should pay attention to where you walk.
Gary: I know I’m playing with fire; I almost fell on my head.
Doctor: Just remember that the next time you fall you might not be so lucky.
Gary: You’re right. I think I have learned my lesson. What happens now?
Doctor: We’ll take an x-ray first, and if it’s broken, you’ll need a cast.
Gary: Alright.


“make a fuss” 大騒ぎする


Sharon: I can’t believe Dennis is late again! I hate waiting!
Mai: I’m sure he’ll be here soon. Don’t make a fuss.
Sharon: また遅れるなんて信じられない、Dennis。私、待つの大嫌い!
Mai: きっとすぐ来るわよ。あんまり大騒ぎしないで。
“kick the habit” 習慣を絶つ


例)Alanと Philがカフェで話しています。
Alan: You’re drinking tea? Not coffee?
Phil: Yeah, I’ve been trying to kick the habit.
Alan: 紅茶飲んでるの?コーヒーじゃなくて?
Phil: うん、よくない習慣をやめようと思ってて。
“play with fire” 危険な行為をする


例)Lizzieが仕事に遅刻ばかりしている弟の Masonと話しています。
Mason: It’s not a big deal. Everyone’s late sometimes.
Lizzie: You’re playing with fire, Mason. You could get fired.
Mason: たいしたことじゃないって。誰だって遅刻することあるだろ。
Lizzie: Mason、あなた危ない橋渡ってるのよ。クビになることだってありえるんだから。
“learn (one’s) lesson” 教訓を得る


Irene: There’s nothing available! I knew we should have started looking earlier.
Mark: Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson. Next time we’ll book in advance.
Irene: どこも空いてない!やっぱりもっと早く探し始めるべきだったのよ。
Mark: よく分かったから、信じて。次回は前もって予約しておこう。
