
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Amber: Wow, that’s a lot of shopping bags!
Melissa: I know. I might have loosened my purse strings a bit too much.
Amber: How was the mall?
Melissa: Terrible! It was packed to the gills, and I had to line up in every shop.
Amber: That’s not exactly a surprise. It’s Christmas tomorrow!
Melissa: I know. Why do I always end up doing my shopping at the eleventh hour…?
Amber: Anyway, what did you get for Mom?
Melissa: Oh, I found this beautiful cashmere scarf! Look, it’s this one.
Amber: That looks gorgeous! Was it expensive?
Melissa: About 80 dollars, give or take. I got it on sale.
Amber: That’s great! Mom will love it!
Melissa: I hope so.


“loosen (one’s) purse strings” 財布のひもを緩める


Emma: I’ve been saving money since last year, so I think I’ll be able to loosen my purse strings for our trip!
Madison: That’s great! Let’s take a look at some of the 5-star hotels.
Emma: 去年からずっとお金貯めてたの。だから、今回の旅行にはたくさんお金使えるわ!
Madison: すごいわね!じゃあ、五つ星ホテルのホテルを調べて見ましょう。
“~ to the gills” 目一杯


Graham: Hey, want to grab a pint at the Irish pub down the road?
Reed: O’Malley’s? No way, that place is always crowded to the gills on Fridays.
Graham: なあ、この先のアイリッシュパブでビールでも飲まないか?
Reed: O’Malley’sのこと?絶対無理。金曜日はいつも超満員だよ。
“at the eleventh hour” 土壇場になって


Rodney: I’ll never be able to finish it on time. It’s due tomorrow…
Ruth: I already told you last time – stop doing your homework at the eleventh hour.
Rodney: 絶対に期限までに終わらせられないよ。明日までなんだ…
Ruth: この前も言ったよね。宿題を間際になってからやるのやめなって。
“give or take” およそ


Irene: I like the one you’re looking at. How far is it from the station?
Cedric: Hmm, give or take, it’s about 10 minutes.
Irene: あなたが見てる物件いいわね。駅からどれくらい?
Cedric: そうだな、だいたい10分ぐらいかな。
