
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Alex: Two hours? That guy over there just told me it’s a two hour wait in line!
Joey: Yeah, late nights can get pretty crowded here.
Alex: Why don’t we just come back tomorrow?
Joey: I’m not driving all the way back here again. Besides, this place is busy day and night, so it wouldn’t make any difference.
Alex: Dude, this had better be the best hot dog ever. I hate it when popular places don’t live up to the hype.
Joey: Trust me, man—the juice is worth the squeeze.
Alex: All right, so what do you recommend?
Joey: You have to order the chili dog. The chili here is awesome… it’s all orange and radioactive-looking, but so good!
Alex: Sounds more like something that’ll do a number on my stomach.


“day and night / night and day” 絶えず


Concierge: We have staff on call day and night should you need anything.
VIP guest: Great, thank you.
Concierge: スタッフが24時間待機していますので、何か必要でしたら、お申し付けください。
VIP guest: うん、ありがとう。
“live up to the hype” 期待を裏切らない


Brandon: Have you seen Quantum of the Inferno II yet?
Daniel: Yeah! It really lived up to the hype! I thought it was just as good, if not better than the first movie.
Brandon: Quantum of the Inferno 2見た?
Daniel: うん、期待通りだね。前作以上とは言わないけど、同じぐらいよかったと思う。
“the juice is worth the squeeze” 苦労の甲斐がある


Bianca: I heard your parents were furious when they found out you threw a huge house party while they were away.
Cameron: Yeah, I’m pretty much grounded for the rest of the year. But people are going to talk about my party for years, so the juice was worth the squeeze.
Bianca: 留守中にあなたが盛大なパーティーを開いたって知って、お父さんとお母さんがすごく怒ったらしいじゃない。
Cameron: うん、年内は家でおとなしくしてないとね。でもこのパーティーは語り継がれると思うから、やった価値はあったよ。
“do a number on (something/someone)” ~を損なう


John: I haven’t seen Tim much since he started working nights.
Ken: It’s done a real number on him. He looks like he’s aged ten years.
John: Timが夜勤になってから、あいつにあんまり会ってないな。
Ken: 本当にこたえるみたいだよ。夜のシフトになってから10才ぐらい老けて見えるようになったから。
