
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習


From Mook:日本への移住

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Relocating to Japan【日本への移住】

Hi again, readers! Mook here with a new story to tell you all. Last time I told you about my background, so this time I thought I’d share a bit about how I came to Japan.

To be honest, I never thought I would move here. Japan to me has always been a fun place to come visit family during winter and summer vacation. I don’t know why I never saw myself living here before. But after graduating from university, Thailand didn’t feel like the right place for me. I had gotten bored of it and I needed a new adventure. You see, a part of moving around so much as a child means that I feel the need to move every 4 or 5 years. Something inside me just says, “Time to go!” And usually I listen to that gut instinct. Fortunately, my dad retired and moved back to Japan permanently a few years prior so I knew it was the right time to give Japan a try.


So I packed up stuff and moved to Japan on Valentine’s Day of 2019. Funny story, I was supposed to come on February 10th, but my flight got cancelled last minute and I was given a new ticket for the 14th instead. I guess you could say, that’s where my love story with Japan began.

Because I was already familiar with the country, I settled back into my family home pretty quickly. Of course, a home isn’t complete without a pet. So my first task was to get a fluffy companion. I searched for months until I found my little four-week old Lulu and the rest is history.

Tune into the next blog where I’ll give you a sneak peek into my daily life in Japan! Catch you later, dear readers!
