
Gaba Style 無料で英語学習





Roy:So, how is apartment hunting going? Have you found anything yet?
Thea:It’s not going well at all. I’ve been going around in circles without any success.
Roy:Is it really that hard to find a place?
Thea:Well, I have a dog, remember? So I need to find an apartment that allows pets.
Roy:And that’s difficult?
Thea:Apparently, pet-friendly apartments are few and far between.
Roy:Really? But lots of people have pets.
Thea:Maybe they don’t rent? Anyway, I’m really at my wits’ end.
Roy:Hey, don’t give up just yet.
Thea:Actually, I’m going to go look at two more apartments this afternoon.
Roy:Who knows, maybe today is the day you’ll luck into a great place!
Thea:I really hope so.


“go/run around in circles” 堂々巡りする


例)近く結婚式を挙げるJasmineが友人のMarissa と話しています。
Marissa: I’m just not sure about the cake… Maybe we can get some more samples?
Jasmine: We’ve been going around in circles all day./ You need to make a decision already!
Marissa: どうしたらいいかしら、ケーキのこと… もう少しサンプルもらえるかしら?
Jasmine: もう、一日中堂々巡りじゃない。もう決めなきゃだめよ!
“few and far between” めったにない


Robyn: We should buy some snacks for the road now.
Terrance: Yeah, you’re right. Service stations are few and far between on this highway.
Robyn: 途中で食べる用に少し食べ物を今買っといたほうがいいわね。
Terrance: ああ、そうだね。この高速、サービスエリアがほとんどないんだったね。
“at (one’s) wits’ end” 万策尽きて困り果てている


Marvin: Hey, have you been able to fix your computer?
Julian: No, I’m at my wits’ end. I’ve tried everything, but it’s just not working.
Marvin: なあ、パソコンは直せたか?
Julian: いや、もう万策尽きた。ありとあらゆること試したんだけど、動かないんだ。
“luck into (something)” ~を運よく見つける


例)Violaと友人のJordanが Violaが買ったミシンの話をしています。
Viola: Anyway, so I found this really fancy one in a second-hand store. It’s in perfect condition!
Jordan: Wow, that’s great! Seems like you totally lucked into it.
Viola: とにかく、このすごくいいミシンを中古品のお店で見つけたのよ。完璧な状態で!
Jordan: へえ、そりゃよかったね。本当にそのミシンに運よくめぐり合えたんだね。
